The stranger, named Van Zan, is an American and calls himself a “Dragon Slayer.” After he and his team do the impossible and kill a dragon, he says he knows the secret to their total destruction, and it lies in London. Soon a dangerous looking stranger with a small army appears. Their life is one of constant fear and vigilance, and no one knows how they’ll survive. Quinn has survived to adulthood and is shepherding a group of half-starved people hiding out in an ancient castle, made dragon-proof. Twenty years later, the earth is a post-apocalyptic disaster. Soon the world is covered with fire as the dragon population explodes to millions and its flaming rampages turn cities to ashes, and humans to food. Apparently, the young lad has awaked a long hibernating creature, the stuff of nightmares.

“There’s something down there!” he screams. Suddenly fiery liquid streams down, and a deep, unearthly breathing blasts forth, causing the boy to flee for his life. The void has a cave-like appearance with smooth columns and a strange textured wall along which the boy rubs his hand. The hole is still small, so he dares the young boy to go through and look around. As he explores the tunnel, a worker comments on an expected “void” he just encountered. As is his custom after school, he visits his mother at work in the new subway construction tunnel under the streets of London. Quinn is a normal 12-year-old English schoolboy. Nevertheless, REIGN OF FIRE is an entertaining adventure story Content: The movie lacks a God-centered attitude, however, so it deserves a caution for older children. Despite several strong profanities, the movie has no sex or nudity, and the director does a good job of holding the gore to a minimum, while keeping the suspense to a maximum. It’s a classic monster movie where the audience feels that at any moment the heroes may be roasted alive or eaten at any moment. REIGN OF FIRE is a combination of a ROAD WARRIOR movie, ALIENS and a King Arthur movie. Soon a dangerous looking “dragon slayer” with a small army appears. Their life is one of constant fear and vigilance. Quinn has survived to adulthood and shepherds a group of half-starved people hiding out in an ancient castle.

Soon, the dragon population explodes to millions, and their flaming rampage turns cities to ashes and humans to food. At the beginning of REIGN OF FIRE, 12-year-old Quinn awakens a nasty, fire-breathing dragon hibernating underground in London.